What is the consultation service offered by Guillaume Counseling Services?
The service offered is strictly short-term, consultation, addressing and solving a specific problem. We work with our clients on an as needed basis, which includes building long-term lasting relationships to where clients can reach out to us any time about various specific problems. The weekly (or monthly) prepaid subscriptions plan is designed to help eliminate barriers and obstacles to getting help.
This service is geared towards men and women and include relationship consulting. The term relationship is used to address any specific problem because of the woman’s role in relationship to her husband/partner or with her children and go so far as to address specific problems within her role in relationship to God and herself. We also address any specific problem because of the man’s role in relationship to his wife/partner or with his children and go so far as to address specific problems within his role in relationship to God and himself. Issues with life balance, workload, being a working-father, working-wife, or stay-at home parent, parenting issues, marital issues, managing stress, dealing with in-laws, cultural issues, and so forth, are all topics that can be address.
Cambridge Dictionary provides the clearest definition of consultation, which is “the act of exchanging information and opinions about something in order to reach a better understanding of it to make a decision”. The consultation itself is a meeting between the professional and client. Consulting means to obtain advice and information, from a professional who is trained or an expect. In order words, the consultant have specialized training or expertise on the process of solving a problem of interest to the client. Consultants work with individuals, couples, families, groups, and organizations. Teaching and training are often part of the consulting service. The consulting service is a short-term engagement between the client and the consultant to address a specific topic or problem. Consulting is advisory and direct in nature, with no room for exploring or processing the past. It is present or future focus. You can expect your consultant to be open, honest, direct, considerate and compassionate. Your consultant will challenge you and empower you with resources.
There are no licensure or certification requirement for a professional to practice as a consultant. However, many consultants hold certifications or licensure in their field of expertise. Consultants at Guillaume Counseling Services are Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
Cambridge Dictionary defines life coaching as “the activity of helping clients decide what they want in their lives and how to achieve it.” It “is about looking forwarding, rather than looking into your past for solutions to problems”. The coaching engagement is present or future oriented. It is goal oriented. Life coaching is a service in which a professional coach helps a client works on personal growth and development, with the understanding that the client is the expert. The coach is not viewed as the expert, but functions as a guide, mentor, facilitator drawing out the client’s strengths. The coach helps keep the client accountable in reaching his/her goals. The focus of the coaching service is on self, improving oneself, in a particular area be it career, education, health, or relationships.
Life Coaches works with individuals, couples, groups, and organizations. The life coaching engagement can be short-term or long-term, from 6 months to a year, or ongoing. The clients who benefit the most from coaching are those who are mentally healthy and stable, and not presently struggling with psychiatric health issues.
There are no licensure or certification requirement for a professional to practice as a coach or life coach. However, many coaches hold various certifications or licensure in their field of expertise or are certified as life coaches or executive coach. Currently, there are no state or federally recognized governing board for coaches. However, there are numerous reputable self-regulated associations and entities who issues certifications and training for coaches.
In its simplest form, counseling means to give advice. But as a profession it means much more. One of the best definitions of professional counseling is from NBBC International who states that it “is the process whereby specially trained individuals work with others individually, in families and/or in groups to address and work to resolve personal and interpersonal issues by using active listening, goal setting and behavior change, and by teaching new skills and problem-solving. Counseling as a profession is supported by quality assurance structures, implemented by an expert group or government body, that mandate the specific knowledge and skills necessary to be a professional counselor.” The American Psychological Association describe it more specifically by stating that “Counseling psychology addresses the emotional, social, work, school and physical health concerns people may have at different stages in their lives, focusing on typical life stresses and more severe issues with which people may struggle as individuals and as a part of families, groups and organizations.” Counseling can be brief and short-term, or long term, ranging from 6 months to 2 years or more. Counseling deals with the past, present and future.
To practice as a professional counselor where clients exchanges fees for service, the professional must be licensed or certified within the jurisdiction (state) where the service is being provided. The practice of professional counseling is regulated by state governing boards. Lay counselors who are operating under various religious entities or humanitarian agencies aren’t required to be certified or licensed; but these counselors must identify themselves as lay counselors and not as professional counselors. There are numerous forms of counseling services and some are considered medically necessary service, covered by most insurance, while other forms are considered as supportive services and are not covered by insurance.
Therapy, talk therapy, or psychotherapy “is a process whereby psychological problems are treated through communication and relationship factors between an individual and a trained mental health professional. Modern psychotherapy is time-limited, focused, and usually occurs once a week for 45-50 minutes per session”, says Michael Herkov Ph.D. (2016). The American Psychiatric Association states that it “is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. Psychotherapy can help eliminate or control troubling symptoms, so a person can function better and can increase well-being and healing.”
Psychotherapy is an in-depth process with a focus on addressing and reconciling issues of the past with the present, in hope of a future free of or more manageable symptoms. Psychotherapy though can be brief or long-term ranging, lasting anywhere from 2 to 5 years or more. Psychotherapy is designed for individuals, couples, families or groups. Psychotherapy is a medically necessary service, that is covered by most insurance.
Professionals who provide psychotherapy must be licensed or certified within the jurisdiction or state where the service is being provided or must practice under the licensed of another licensed professional. The practice of psychotherapy is regulated by state governing boards.
American Psychological Association. 2017. Counseling Psychology. Retrieved on May 26, 2017, from http://www.apa.org/ed/graduate/specialize/counseling.aspx
Cambridge Dictionary. 2017. Consultation. Retried on May 26, 2017, from http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/consultation
Cambridge Dictionary. 2017. Life Coaching. Retried on May 26, 2017, from
Herkov, M. (2016). What Is Psychotherapy? Psych Central. Retrieved on May 26, 2017, from https://psychcentral.com/lib/what-is-psychotherapy/
National Board for Certified Counselors International. 2017. Professional Counseling. Retrieve on May 26, 2017, from http://www.nbccinternational.org/Who_we_are/Professional_Counseling
Parekh, R. (2016). What is Psychotherapy? Retrieved on May 26, 2017 from https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/psychotherapy
Revised May 9 ,2024.
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